Sonardyne SPRINTNAV 505

The Sonardyne Sprint 500 is an acoustically aided Subsea Inertial Navigation system for subsea vehicles.
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The Sonardyne Sprint 500 is an acoustically aided Subsea Inertial Navigation system for subsea vehicles. The SPRINT 500 makes optimal use of acoustic aiding data from acoustic USBL and LBL positioning and other sensors such as Doppler Velocity Log and pressure sensors. This improves position accuracy, precision, reliability and integrity while reducing operational time and vessel costs. The system extends the operating limits of Ultra-Short BaseLine and can dramatically improve the operational efficiency of Long BaseLine. The new third generation SPRINT 500 unit offers power pass-through to aiding sensors, reducing cabling and interfacing complexity.

The SPRINT 500 Inertial Navigation system shares the same hardware platform as Lodestar 500 and is a combined Attitude Heading Reference System and Acoustically Aided Inertial Navigation System. Running both the AHRS and INS algorithms concurrently allows inertial navigation to start or restart instantaneously on receipt of a position update as the AHRS seamlessly provides orientation to the INS on start-up. This avoids the lengthy alignment period common to other INS systems. Thereafter the separate AHRS and INS computed orientation are autonomously monitored as an indication of system health.