Applanix PosPac MMS and Go!

Applanix’ industry-leading POSPac MMS GNSS Inertial software, and in particular, the Applanix SmartBase (ASB) post-processed virtual reference station technique, has been widely adopted as a robust and reliable method of Direct Georeferencing multibeam data.
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New in POSPac MMS 8.0 is a unique PP-RTX™ GNSS-aided inertial module that provides centimeter-level post-processed positioning accuracies without the use of local reference stations. This new method integrates Trimble CenterPoint® RTX technology into POSPac MMS. RTX is Trimble’s approach to PPP with advanced ambiguity resolution, providing its own ephemeris correction service, leading to integer-level ambiguities for accuracy approaching that of RTK. Applanix’ industry-leading POSPac MMS GNSS Inertial software, and in particular the Applanix SmartBase (ASB) post-processed virtual reference station technique, has been widely adopted as a robust and reliable method of Direct Georeferencing multibeam data.\n\nA global network of approximately 100 stations tracking GPS, GLONASS, BDS, QZSS and Galileo provides the raw data for analysis and processing to produce the PP-RTX corrections, which are then made available via the internet within one hour of real-time. Compared to real-time PPP services, the PP-RTX post- processed approach provides a number of advantages:\n\nAlmost no Convergence Time - By processing the data in both the forward and backward direction, the already converged solution from the forward pass may be used as a “seed” for the backward direction.\n\nRobust Acquisition of Correction Data - As noted previously, the PP-RTX data is available within one hour of real-time. This ensures a fast turnaround of the solution, previously unavailable for post-processed PPP services. In the context of a comparison to real-time PPP services, archiving the data on the internet ensures more robust and reliable access to the correction data. In turn, this improves availability and accuracy.\n\nPOSPac Go! puts the power of Applanix post-processing at your fingertips. One button push access to Applanix’ industry-leading POSPac GNSS-aided INS software means no need for additional training or significant additional overhead in processing time.\n\nIn either SingleBase mode or in conjunction with PP-RTX, POSPac Go! makes centimeter-level accuracy with Direct Georeferencing available anywhere.\n\nAvailable from Unique Group on a subscription basis for terms of either six or twelve months, POSPac Go! is both affordable and convenient, with no long-term commitment.